ASI461MM Pro adopts Sony medium format IMX461 sensor. It has the native 16-bit ADC with 65536 levels, back-illuminated structure and high quantum efficiency, and a great performance in DSO imaging, milky way imaging and scientific research. It features very low readout noise and nearly zero visible fixed pattern noise.
Note: External power supplies are needed for all ASI cooled cameras. We recommend you use a 12V 3A DC adapter (5.5 x 2.1 mm, center pole positive) or a lithium battery with 11-15V to power the camera. Be aware that using power supply out of this voltage range will probably lead to irreparable damage to the camera.
100 Mega Pixels
ASI461MM Pro is a 100MP camera with a large sensor size of 44mm x 33mm and a high resolution of 11656 x 8750. The 3.76um pixel accommodates an impressive full well capacity of 50.3ke. While at Bin2 mode, you can get an even larger full well capacity of 198ke and a larger pixel size of 7.5um x 7.5um.
No Amp Glow
Traditional CMOS sensors produce a weak infrared light source during operation, which is quite often seen in the corner of uncalibrated images. This is the tell-tale signs of "amp glow". As the ASI461MM Pro uses zero amp glow circuitry, you won't have to worry about amp glow even when using high gain, long exposure imaging.
ASI461MM Pro comes with a polyimide heater that sits on top of the protective window. It will hear the window to avoid any dew problems. The power consumption of the heater is around 5W. You can turn this function off in your imaging software if you want to save power.
Camera Performance
ASI461MM Pro is integrated with HCG mode, which can help greatly reduce readout noise and keep the dynamic range at a high level when you're using higher gain. Set gain to 100, then the HCG mode will automatically turn on. The readout noise can be very low, while the dynamic range is basically unchanged.
Quantum Efficiency
QE curve and readout noise are two of the most important elements to measure a camera's performance. based on our calculation, the QE peak value of ASI461 is 91%.
Two Stage TEC Cooling
The TEC cooling system of ASI461MM Pro can precisely control the temperature of the sensor, and lower it to 30-35 degrees Celsius below ambient temperature. The Delta T 30-35 degrees Celsius is tested at 30 degrees Celsius ambient temperature. It might get down when the cooling system is working for a long time. also, as the ambient temperature falls, the Delta T will also decrease.