Takahashi TS-120 120 APO Refractor with 3-inch FeatherTouch Focuser from SI

Brand: Takahashi


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Product Details

  • The TSA-120 Triplet APO Refractor Telescope with a 3-inch FeatherTouch focuser from Starlight Instruments delivers superior quality optics, all in a portable package! This air-spaced triplet design achieves a high level of apochromatic performance for lunar, planetary and deep sky observing and imaging, delivering very high contrast images with pinpoint stars.

    Inside the precision-crafted lens cell, you'll find three elements, an FPL-53 Extra-low Dispersion (ED) glass lens placed between two air-spaced extreme quality crown lenses. This Telescope’s ED triplet optics yield excellent high-contrast images, free of chromatic aberration’s violet glow, which often accompany bright stars and planet.

    The TTK-120's short tube make transport and versatile accessory assemblies possible, especially for those using important length. The system chart will guide you through the TTK-120's versatile assemblies which all fulfill the requirements of rigidity and flexibility needed by the new imaging devices, including SLR/DSLR or CCD cameras.


    • Apochromatic Triplet ED Refractor Optics-120 mm aperture, 900 mm focal length, f/7.5 refractor-
    • Multicoated Optics- coated with broadband anti-reflection materials for optimal light transmission and contrast.
    • Retractable Lens Hoods-reduces dew formation on the lens and improves contrast by shielding the lens from off-axis ambient light.
    • 3-inch FeatherTouch focuser from Starlight Instruments.
    • Compatibility and Versatility-compatible with several flatteners, reducers, and extenders, including the TOA-35 Reducer, which converts the telescope to a f/5.3 imaging platform with a 44 mm image circle.
    • (Note: Image shows this scope with the Takahashi focuser for sample only, you can purchase that set-up under #TK-TTK12010.)
  • specifications

    Aperture119 mm (4.75")
    Back Distance227.5mm
    Dew Shield IncludedYes
    Dew Shield Outside Diameter160mm
    Exterior ColorGloss White
    Focal Length900 mm
    Focal Ratiof/7.5
    Optical DesignTriplet Refractor
    OTA Length28"
    OTA Outer Diameter125mm
    OTA Weight12.5 lbs.
    Warranty5 Year Warranty

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