Showing 55 results
  • Celestron Omni XLT 102 TelescopeCE-21088
    ★★★★★1 review(s)
  • Orion StarBlast 4.5 Astro Reflector TelescopeOR-10015
    ★★★★★1 review(s)
  • Sky-Watcher Evostar 120ED APO - 120mm Refractor TelescopeSW-S11130
    ★★★★★9 review(s)
  • Sky-Watcher Evostar 100 ED APO Refractor TelescopeSW-S11120
    ★★★★★12 review(s)
  • Celestron 114LCM Computerized TelescopeCE-31150
    ★★★★★2 review(s)
  • Orion SkyScanner 100mm Tabletop Dobsonian Reflector TelescopeOR-10012
  • Sky-Watcher Esprit 100mm ED Triplet APO RefractorSW-S11410
    ★★★★★4 review(s)
  • Takahashi FC-100DC F/7.4 Fluorite RefractorTK-TFK10010
    ★★★★★1 review(s)
  • Takahashi FC-100DF f/7.4 Fluorite APO RefractorTK-TFK10110
  • Explore Scientific 102mm f/7 Essential Series APO Triplet Refractor - No CaseES-ED10207-02
    ★★★★★6 review(s)
  • Sky-Watcher 102mm Maksutov Cassegrain Telescope OTASW-S11510
  • Celestron Inspire 100AZ RefractorCE-22403
    ★★★★★2 review(s)
  • Orion GiantView BT-100 Binocular TelescopeOR-51849
  • iOptron N114mm Newtonian OTAIO-8734
  • Explore Scientific Firstlight MAK100mm White Tube Maksutov Cassegrain with Twi-NanoES-FLMC1001400TN
  • Orion StarBlast II 4.5 EQ Telescope KitOR-20711
    ★★★★★1 review(s)
  • Sky-Watcher Skymax 102 AZ-GTi f/12.7 Maksutov Cassegrain Catadioptric TelescopeSW-S21120
  • Borg 107FL F3.9ED Astrograph - Feather Touch FocuserBG-B10739F
  • Orion EON 110mm f/6 APO Doublet Refracting OTA TelescopeOR-10031
  • Sky-Watcher StarTravel 102AZ3 f/4.9 Doublet Refracting TelescopeSW-S10100
    ★★★★★1 review(s)
  • Sky-Watcher StarTravel 120 AZ3 f/5 Doublet Refracting TelescopeSW-S10105
    ★★★★★2 review(s)
  • Celestron AstroMaster 102AZ f/6.5 Doublet Refracting TelescopeCE-22065
  • Celestron Nexstar 4SE GoTo TelescopeCE-11049
    ★★★★★6 review(s)
  • Takahashi FC-100DZ f/8 Doublet Refracting TelescopeTK-TFK10310
    ★★★★★1 review(s)
  • Orion StarBlast 4.5 EQ Reflector TelescopeOR-09250
  • Celestron StarSense Explorer LT 114AZ Smartphone TelescopeCE-22452
    ★★★★★16 review(s)
  • Celestron StarSense Explorer DX 102AZ Smartphone TelescopeCE-22460
    ★★★★★3 review(s)
  • Takahashi TS-120 120 APO Refractor with 3-inch FeatherTouch Focuser from SITK-TTK12010FT

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Still have questions? We have answers.

What can I see through a 4-inch telescope?

With a 4-inch telescope, you can expect to see a variety of deep-sky objects including nebulas, galaxies, star clusters, and planets. You will also be able to view the moon's craters and other surface features in detail. In addition, using higher magnification eyepieces (200x or more) you may be able to see details on Saturn's rings or the stripes on Jupiter.

Can you see deep-sky objects with a 4-inch telescope?

Yes, with a 4-inch telescope you can expect to see a variety of deep-sky objects including nebulas, galaxies, star clusters, and planets. However, due to the limited size of the telescope's aperture (the diameter of its primary mirror or lens), most of these objects will appear small and faint. It will take some practice to be able to identify them in the night skies.

Can you see galaxies with a 4 inch telescope?

Yes, with a 4-inch telescope you can expect to see a variety of galaxies. However, given the limited size of the telescope’s aperture (the diameter of its primary mirror or lens), most galaxies will appear faint and small.