Universe2GO Personal Planetarium

Brand: Universe2go


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  • Universe2go Personal Planetarium
  • Customizable foam inserts for smartphones
  • pouch
  • Neckstrap
  • activation code for smartphone app
  • manual


OPT Product Number: NIM-UG2O


Product Details

  • The Universe2go Personal Planetarium is an interactive star viewer that combines the real night sky and digital projection. As a two-piece augmented reality system, Universe2go brings together a star viewer and the Universe2go smartphone app. The star view has an integrated mirror where digital pictures of constellations are superimposed over the night sky.

    You can experience the stars as if you were in your own personal planetarium. Even faint stars, which usually remain unseen as a light pollution, can now be seen thanks to the star viewer. Constellations, galaxies, nebulae, planets and even satellites are also observable and have recorded audio explanations on these objects. With several hours of material, the audio guide will further enhance to your observations. The menu is accessed and navigated through head movements, enabling a change in the viewing mode without removing your smartphone from the star viewer.

    The Universe2go app has six different modes to make the star view an interesting and fun device for beginners and experts. While the viewer explains and shows the constellations in Beginner mode, Discovery mode provides in-depth information, like the distance and brightness of each star. Mythology mode is all about Greek mythology connected with the stars, Deep-Sky mode depicts galaxies, nebulae, and star clusters, and 3D mode gives the sensation of floating through space. Hands down the Universe2go is one of the ways to get to know that night sky.

    Smartphone Compatible Dimensions (in mm) Display size (in inch) Software Sensors
    Acer Liquid E3 plus yes 138x69x8,9 4,7 Android 4.2 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Acer Liquid yesde plus yes 140x69x7,5 5 Android 4.4 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Acer Liquid Zest no 134,6x67,40x10,3 5 Android 6.0 GPS, Acceleration, Gyro
    Alcatel Idol 4 yes 147x72,5x7,1 5,2 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Alcatel Idol 4s no 153,9x75,4x6,99 ? Android 6.0 GPS, Acceleration, Gyro
    Alcatel Pop 4 yes 140,7x71,4x7,99 5 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Alcatel Pop 4+ no 151x77x7,99 5,5 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Alcatel Pop 4S no 152x76,8x7,99 5,5 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Apple iPhone 4 no 115,2x58,6x9,3 3,5 iOS 7 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Apple iPhone 4s no 115,2x58,6x9,3 3,5 iOS 7 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Apple iPhone 5 yes 123,8x58,6x7,6 4 iOS 8 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Apple iPhone 5c yes 124,4x59,2x8,97 4 iOS 8 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Apple iPhone 5s yes 123,8x58,6x7,6 4 iOS 8 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Apple iPhone 6 yes 138,1x67x6,9 4,7 iOS 8 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Apple iPhone 6 Plus no 158,1x77,8x7,1 5,5 iOS 8 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Apple iPhone 7 yes 138,3x67,1x7,1 4,7 iOS 10 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Apple iPhone 7 Plus no 158,2x77,9x7,3 5,5 iOS 10 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Apple iPhone SE yes 123,8x58,6x7,6 4 iOS 9.3 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Archos 50D Oxygen no 141,4x70,8x8,2 5 Android 5.1 GPS
    Archos Diamond 2 Note no 156,35x82,7x8,7 6 Android 6.0 GPS
    Archos Diamond 2 Plus no 148,3x73,8x8,3 5,5 Android 6.0 GPS, Acceleration
    Asus Zenfone Go no 144,5x71x9,98 5 Android 5.1 GPS, Acceleration, Gyro
    Blackberry DTEK50 yes 147x72,5x7,4 5,2 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Blackberry DTEK60 no 153,9x75,4x7 5,5 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    BQ Aquaris X5 Plus yes 145x70x7,7 5 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Cat Phones S60 no 147,9x73,4x12,6 4,7 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    Caterpillar Cat S60 no 147,9x73,4x12,6 4,7 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    Coolpad Max no 152x75,5x6,9 5,5 Android 5.1 GPS, Acceleration
    Google Nexus 5X no 147x72,6x7,9 5,2 Android 6.0 GPS, Acceleration, Gyro
    Google Nexus 6P no 159,4x77,8x7,3 5,7 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Google Pixel yes 143,8x69,5x8,5 5 Android 7.1 Nougat GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Google Pixel XL no 154,7x75,7x8,5 5,5 Android 7.1 Nougat GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Honor 5C no 147,1x73,8x8,3 5,2 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    Honor 5X no 151,3x76,3x8,2 5,5 Android 5.1 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    Honor 7 no 143,2x71,9x8,5 5,2 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    Honor 8 yes 145,5x71x7,5 5,2 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    HTC 10 yes 145,9x71,9x9 5,2 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    HTC 10 Evo no 153,59x77,3x8,09 5,5 Android 7.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    HTC Desire 310 no 132x68x11 4,2 Android 4.2 GPS, Acceleration
    HTC Desire 500 no 132x67x9,9 4,3 Android 4.2 GPS, Acceleration
    HTC Desire 530 no 146,9x70,9x8,3 5 Android 6.0 GPS, Acceleration
    HTC Desire 825 no 156,9x76,9x7,4 5,5 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    HTC One M7 yes 137,4x68,2x9,3 4,7 Android 4.3 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    HTC One M8 yes 146,36x70,6x9,35 5 Android 4.4 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    HTC One M9 yes 144,6x69,7x9,61 5 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    HTC One Max yes 164,5x82,5x10,3 5,9 Android 4.3 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    HTC One Mini yes 132x63x9,2 4,3 Android 4.2 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    HTC One mini2 yes 137,4x65x10,6 4,5 Android 4.4 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Huawei Ascend G510 no 134x67x9,9 4,5 Android 4,1 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    Huawei Ascend G525 no 134x66,8x9,9 4,5 Android 4,1 GPS, Acceleration
    Huawei Ascend MATE 7 no 157x81x7,9 6 Android 4.4 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Huawei Ascend P7 yes 139,8x68,8x6,5 5 Android 4.4 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Huawei Honor 6 yes 139,3x68,8x7,5 5 Android 4.4 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Huawei Honor 6x (2016) no 150,9x72,6x8,2 5,5 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    Huawei Mate 8 no 151,1x80,6x7,9 6 Android 6.0 GPS, Acceleration, Gyro
    Huawei Mate 9 no 156,9x78,9x7,9 5,9 Android 7.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Huawei Mate S no 149,8x75,3x7,2 5,5 Android 5.1 GPS, Acceleration, Gyro
    Huawei Nova yes 141,2x69,1x7,1 5 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Huawei P8 yes 144,9x71,8x6,4 5,2 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Huawei P8 Lite yes 143x70,6x7,7 5 Android 5.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Huawei P9 no 145x70,9x6,95 5,2 Android 6.0 GPS, Acceleration, Gyro
    Huawei P9 Lite no 146,8x72,6x7,5 5,2 Android 6.0 GPS, Acceleration, Gyro
    Huawei P9 Plus no 152,3x75,3x6,98 5,5 Android 6.0 GPS, Acceleration, Gyro
    Huawei P9 Plus no 152,3x75,3x6,98 5,5 Android 6.0 GPS, Acceleration, Gyro
    ID2 ME ID1 yes 146x71,8x8,4 5 Android 5.1 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Kodak Ektra no 147,8x73,35x9,69 5 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Lenovo B no 132,5x66x9,9 4,5 Android 6.0 GPS, Acceleration
    Lenovo K6 no 141,9x70,3x8,2 5 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    Lenovo Moto Z no 155,3x75,3x5,2 5,4 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Lenovo P2 no 153x76x8,3 5,5 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    LG G2 D802 yes 139x71x9 5,2 Android 4.2 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    LG G2 Mini no 129,6x66x9,9 4,7 Android 4.4 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    LG G3 D855 no 146x75x9 4,4 Android 4.4 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    LG G3 S D722 no 138x70x10 5 Android 4.4 GPS
    LG G5 no 149,4x73,9x7,7 5,3 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    LG Google Nexus 5 16GB yes 137,9x69x8,6 4,9 Android 4.4 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    LG K5 no 141,5x71,6x8,8 5 Android 5.1 GPS, Acceleration
    LG K8 no 144,6x71,5x8,7 5 Android 6.0 GPS, Acceleration, Gyro
    LG L40 D160 yes 109x59x12 3,5 Android 4.4 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    LG L70 D320 no 127x67x10 4,5 Android 4.4 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    LG L90 D405 no 132x66x10 4,7 Android 4.4 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    LG Optimus L9 II D605 no 128x67x9 4,7 Android 4.1 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    LG Optimus L9 II D605 no 128x67x9 4,7 Android 4.1 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    LG Stylus 2 no 155x79,6x7,4 5,7 Android 6.0 GPS, Acceleration
    LG V20 no 159,7x78,1x7,6 5,7 Android 7.0 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    LG X Cam no 147,5x73,6x6,9 5,2 Android 6.0 GPS, Acceleration, Gyro
    LG X Screen no 142,6x71,8x7,1 4,9 Android 6.0 GPS, Acceleration, Gyro
    Medion S5504 no 152x78x8 5,5 Android 5.1 GPS, Acceleration
    Medion X5520 no 152x77x8,9 5,5 Android 6.0 GPS, Acceleration
    Meizu M5 yes 147,3x72,8x8,2 5,2 Android 5.1 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Meizu M5 Note no 153,6x75,8x8,2 5,5 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Meizu Pro 6S no 147,7x70,8x7,3 5,2 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Meizu Pro 7 5,2 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Motorola Moto E no 125x65x12 4,3 Android 4.4 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    Motorola Moto G no 130x66x12 4,5 Android 4.4 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    Motorola Moto G (2. Gen.) no 142x71x11 5 Android 4.4 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    Motorola Moto X (2. Gen.) no 141x72x10 5,2 Android 4.4 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    Motorola Nexus6 no 159x83x10 5,9 Android 5 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Motorola RAZR i yes 123x61x8 4,3 Android 4.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Nokia X Dual no 116x63x10 4 Nokia X ?
    OnePlus 2 no 151,8x74,9x9,85 5,5 Android Oxygen OS 2.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    OnePlus 3 no 152,7x74,7x7,4 5,5 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    OnePlus 3T no 152,7x74,7x7,35 5,5 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    OnePlus X no 140x69x6,9 5 Android Oxygen OS 2.0 GPS, Acceleration, Gyro
    Oppo R9 no 151,8x74,3x6,6 5,5 Android 5.1 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Oppo R9 Plus no 162,1x80,8x7,4 6 Android 5.1 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Phicomm Passion 2 yes 139x69x7,4 5 Android 4.4 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Samsung Galaxy A3 no 130x66x7 4,5 Android Compass, Acceleration
    Samsung Galaxy A5 no 139x70x7 5 Android Compass, Acceleration
    Samsung Galaxy Ace 3 LTE no 121x63x10 4 Android 4.1 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    Samsung Galaxy Ace 4 yes 129x66x9 4,3 Android 4.4 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Samsung Galaxy Alpha yes 132x66x7 4,7 Android 4.4 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro no 162,9x80,7x6,9 6 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    Samsung Galaxy Core Plus no 130x66x9 4,3 Android 4.2 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    Samsung Galaxy Nexus yes 135x68x8,9 4,6 Android 4.3 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Samsung Galaxy Nexus yes 135x68x8,9 4,6 Android 4.3 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Samsung Galaxy Note 3 no 151x79x8 5,7 Android 4.3 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo no 148x77x9 5,5 Android 4.3 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Samsung Galaxy Note 4 no 154x79x9 5,7 Android 4.4 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Samsung Galaxy S2 Plus no 125x66x9 4,3 Android 4.1 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Samsung Galaxy S3 mini no 122x63x10 4 Android 4.2 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Samsung Galaxy S3 Neo no 137x71x9 4,8 Android 4.4 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Samsung Galaxy S4 I9505 yes 140x71x9 5 Android 4.2 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini yes 125x61x9 4,3 Android 4.2 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Samsung Galaxy S5 yes 142x73x8 5,1 Android 4.4 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Samsung Galaxy S5 mini yes 131x65x9 4,5 Android 4.4 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Samsung Galaxy S6 yes 143,4x70,5x6,8 5,1 Android 5.0 Lollipop GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Samsung Galaxy S7 yes 142,4x69,9x7,9 5,1 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge no 150,9x72,6x7,7 5,5 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Samsung Galaxy S8 yes 5,1 Android 7.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Samsung Galaxy Trend Plus no 122x63x11 4 Android 4.2 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    Sony Xperia E1 no 118x62x12 4 Android 4.3 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    Sony Xperia E5 no 144x69x8,2 5 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    Sony Xperia L no 129x65x10 4,3 Android 4.1 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    Sony Xperia M2 no 140x71x9 4,8 Android 4.3 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    Sony Xperia miro no 113x59x10 3,5 Android 4.0 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    Sony Xperia T3 Style no 151x77x7 5,3 Android 4.4 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Sony Xperia X no 179x92x6,5 6,4 Android 5.1 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Sony Xperia X Performance yes 143,7x70,4x8,7 5 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Sony Xperia XA no 143,6x66,8x7,9 5 Android 6.0 GPS, Acceleration
    Sony Xperia XZ yes 146x72x8,1 5,2 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Sony Xperia Z1 yes 144x74x9 5 Android 4.2 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Sony Xperia Z1 Compact yes 127x65x10 4,3 Android 4.3 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Sony Xperia Z2 yes 147x73x8 5,2 Android 4.4 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Sony Xperia Z3 yes 146x72x7 5,2 Android 4.4 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Sony Xperia Z3 Compact yes 127x65x9 4,6 Android 4.4 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Vernee Apollo Lite yes 152x76,2x9,2 5,5 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Vivo Xplay 6 no 153,80x73,55x8,40 Android 6.0 GPS, Acceleration, Gyro
    Vivo Xplay5 Elite no 153,5x67,2x7,59 5,4 Android 6.0 GPS, Acceleration, Gyro
    Vodafone Smart Platinum 7 no 154x75,7x7 5,5 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Wiko Highway yes 144x70x8 5 Android 4.2 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Wiko Lenny 3 no 145x73,1x9,9 5,2 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    Wiko Lenny 3 no 145x73,1x9,9 5,2 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    Wiko Slide no 156x77x9 5,5 Android 4.4 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    Wiko Slide no 156x77x9 5,5 Android 4.4 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    Wiko U Feel no 143x70,7x8,5 5 Android 6.0 GPS, Acceleration
    Wiko U Feel Lite no 143x71,5x8,5 5 Android 6.0 GPS, Acceleration
    Wileyfox Spark no 143x70,4x8,65 5 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    Wileyfox Swift 2 Plus yes 143,7x71,9x8,64 5 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Xiaomi Mi 4 yes 139,2x68,5x8,9 5 Android 4.4 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Xiaomi Mi Max no 173,1x88,3x7,5 6,4 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Xiaomi Mi Mix no 158,8x81,9x7,9 6,4 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Xiaomi Mi Note 2 no 156,2x77,3x7,6 5,7 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    Xiaomi Mi5 yes 144,6x69,2x7,3 5,1 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    ZTE Axon 7 no 151,7x75x7,9 5,5 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    ZTE Axon 7 Mini yes 147,5x71x7,8 5,2 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Gyro, Acceleration
    ZTE Blade V7 no 143,8x70,2x7,9 5 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Acceleration
    ZTE Blade V7 Lite no 143,8x70,2x7,9 5 Android 6.0 GPS, Compass, Acceleration


  • included items

    • Universe2go Personal Planetarium
    • Customizable foam inserts for smartphones
    • pouch
    • Neckstrap
    • activation code for smartphone app
    • manual


    OPT Product Number: NIM-UG2O


Product Reviews