Losmandy Universal Dovetail Plate .70 Thick X 19" Long

Brand: Losmandy


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Product Details

  • Losmandy Universal Dovetail Plate 0.70 Thick x 19-Inches Long

    This model of Universal Dovetail Plate can readily be used to mount most Meade or Celestron scopes between 8 to 12-inches smoothly to Losmandy mounts. Losmandy DUPS fits the Losmandy GM8, G11 and Titan mounts, as well as the Celestron CGE mount, most Astrophysics mounts, as well as other mounts that use the Losmandy style dovetail. This individual plate is 0.70-inch thick and 19-inches long, with hole separations of 3.5-inch, 60 mm, 2-inch, 1.5-inch, 35 mm, and 1.25-inch. It can also be used as a Side by Side plate for 14.875-inch separation. The plate itself weighs 3.25-pounds.


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