Takahashi 1.7X CQ Extender Module for FS-60Q

Brand: Takahashi

SKU : TK-TKA20595

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Product Details

  • Takahashi FS-60Q 1.7X CQ Module

    The Takahashi FS-60Q is a new version of the FS-60CB. The FS-60Q includes a module which contains a 1.7x extender, which changes the FS-60Q to a 600mm focal length f/10 instrument. This module is offered separately and is compatible with any FS-60C ever made to covert it to the Q when the 1.7x module is attached. This conversion is as simple removing the white tube from the focuser, attaching the 1.7x module to the focuser and then attaching the section with the objective in it to the 1.7x module. The in place extender, flattens the image to a 44mm circle with 96% illumination to allow imaging the Moon, planets or a solar eclipse. The larger image scale of the 60mm focal length allows prominences and the corona to be more easily seen or imaged with a digital SLR. Used with the Extender-Q the FS-60Q becomes an f/16 960mm telescope that will be able to view some of the smaller lunar craters and produce a 9mm lunar image on a sensor from its 40mm image circle. The Tak 1.7x CQ module can be easily removed which will convert the FS-60Q to an FS-60CB f/5.9. Now the dedicated reducer [.72x] f/4.2 and dedicated flattener can be used to image at f/6.2 for flat field or wide field imaging. Now, the F/5.9 FC-60CB can be used for wide field observing. Further, the Takahashi1.7x CQ module is sold separately for the owners of FS-60C, CSV’?????????s and CB’?????????s which converts them into the FS-60Q with all of the benefits the module enables, as mentioned previously. Versatility is that word that best describes the FS-60Q modular telescope. Converts from an f/10 600mm focal length instrument to an f/5.9 354mm wide field instrument that can be used to image at f/6.2 using the dedicated flattener or to f/4.2 with the dedicated reducer. Both devices providing a 44mm image circle which will cover an APS size chip or used at f/10 with a 44mm flat field 95% illuminated to narrow field imaging; or extended with the Extender-Q to 960mm for lunar, nature or eclipse imaging at f/16 with a 40mm image circle.

    Takahashi FS-60Q 1.7X CQ Features.

    • Type: Fluorite 2 +
    • Effective aperture: 60mm
    • Focal length: 600mm
    • Focal ratio: f/10
    • Tube diameter: 80mm
    • Tube length" 407mm [16.02’?????????] - [FS-60Q] 280mm [11.02’?????????] - [FS-60CB]
    The CQ 1.7x module is sold separately and it allows current FS-60C owners to convert their model into a model ’?????????Q’????????? by adding the CQ module to their tube assembly. Each Takahashi FS-60Q is supplied with a set of covers for the QE module which will allow the scope to be made into tow assemblies, the FS-60CB and the QE module for easy airline transport. This is perfect for eclipse chasing. Takahashi Product Number: TFK6004QM

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