Spectrum 2.5" Full Aperture Solar Film Binocular Filter Pair - 48mm to 54mm

Brand: Spectrum Telescopes


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Product Details

  • These premium full aperture Thin Film Solar Filters allow only a safe amount of light to pass through your binoculars for solar viewing. It is an ND 5 filter, therefore blocking 99.999% of the Sun's visible light. The .002" thick black plastic polymer used for the filter substrate is a durable, high quality material that will last you for many years with proper care and handling. These filters are constructed with a single-layer design with absorptive filtering material spread throughout the substrate. Slight warps, bends, or wrinkles present in the film will NOT affect the solar image. The Sun appears in a natural looking yellowish-orange color that we are all familiar with, rather than harsh white-light.

    Measure your Binocular Tube End to ensure you choose the correct filter. These filters fit: Cannon 15x45 IS Bino, 10x50 Eagle Optics Ranger.

    Manufacturer Product Number: ST250BPP

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