Lunt Solar 40mm Dedicated Hydrogen-Alpha Solar Telescope w/ B1200 Blocking Filter & Feather Touch Focuser

Brand: Lunt Solar

SKU : LS-LS40THa/B1200FT

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  • ~4.0 mm Solar image size
  • Includes a non-rotating helical focuser, integrated Vixen Style Dovetail and a 12 mm blocking filter for both visual and photography purposes
  • The Hydrogen Alpha Modules provide excellent viewing prowess at < .7 angstroms bandpass

Product Details

  • The all new Lunt 40 mm Solar Telescope provides the basic essentials perfect for a first-time introduction to solar observing.

    A true grab-and-go dedicated hydrogen alpha telescope, the Lunt 40 mm F/10 system is sure to impress — allowing both amateurs and seasoned professionals to experience the awe-inspiring phenomena of our closest Star!

    Easily portable and a joy to use, the Lunt 40 mm joins the Lunt Telescope lineup as the smallest aperture offering, while providing the power, amazing detail and quality you expect from a Lunt Telescope — all at an impressive ~4.0 mm Solar image size!

    This scope includes a non-rotating helical focuser, integrated Vixen Style Dovetail and a 12 mm blocking filter for both visual and photography purposes.

    Experience the thrill of viewing the Sun’s explosive activity with Lunt’s entry-level 40 mm Dedicated H-Alpha Solar Telescope. Surface detail, hot spots, prominences and more — all available in the stunning Hydrogen Alpha wavelength.

    Enjoy Portable, Affordable Solar Viewing

    The Dedicated H-Alpha Solar Telescopes come standard with Lunt’s exceptional Hydrogen Alpha Modules, providing excellent viewing prowess at < .7 angstroms bandpass.

    The excitement of viewing the Star through a dedicated solar telescope is sure to provide many hours of visual enjoyment and educational insight. As the Sun becomes increasingly more active, your love for this instrument is sure to grow!

    Lunt 40 mm Telescope Specifications

    • Telescope Type: Dedicated H-alpha
    • Universal Capabilities: H-alpha
    • Objective Type: Custom Doublet Optimized at 656 nm
    • Objective Coating: Ion Assist Ultra-Narrowband AR (656 nm)
    • Focuser: Feather Touch
    • Mounting: Mounting Foot
    • Storage: Box with Fitted Foam, Hard Case Optional
    • H-alpha Etalon Type: Internal Dedicated
    • Etalon Wavelength: 656.28 nm
    • Etalon Bandpass: <0.7 Å Single Stack, <0.5 Å Double Stack
    • Etalon Material: UV Grade Fused Silica
    • Etalon Tuning: Tilt
    • Doppler Shifting: Instant
    • Blocking Filter Size: 12 mm
    • Blocking Filter Bandpass: 6 Å
    • Sun Finder: TeleVue Sol Searcher built in

    The Etalon – Heart of the Solar Telescope

    The most dynamic, exciting way to view the Sun is by zeroing in on a specific, narrow bandwidth of light: the hydrogen-alpha (H-alpha) bandwidth.

    The light arriving here from the Sun at the H-alpha frequency (656.28 nanometers) comes from a rarified layer of hydrogen gas slightly above the photosphere, the bright surface of the Sun. This hydrogen layer is called the solar chromosphere, and it’s invisible without using instruments to filter out brighter, competing bandwidths of light.

    Due to its being dominated by magnetic energy, the chromosphere is where the most intense solar activity can be observed, including filaments, prominences, spicules and active regions.

    The etalon, along with other components, provides us with this amazing view.

    Double Stack Compatible

    The Lunt 40 mm Solar Telescope can be double stacked with Lunt’s DSII unit, which adds a second etalon with its own pressure tuning knob and enables a narrower bandpass down to less than 0.5 angstroms throughout the system! With a narrower bandpass, surface detail and features appear to explode off the Sun’s surface. Double stacking provides an extra dimension of solar viewing for both photographic and visual use!

    Once you get used to double stacking and the operation of the DSII unit, you may never remove your DSII unit again! But if you do want to go back to single stack mode, the DSII is easily removed in seconds, and can be added back at any time!

    Interchangeable Blocking Filters

    All solar telescopes must have a blocking filter.

    This cut-off filter meets military specifications.

    Lunt offers two choices of blocking filter configuration: Straight Through and Diagonal.

    Straight through Blocking Filters are generally used when the system will be used in imaging mode only.

    The 34 mm Blocking Filter is only available in straight through mode. However, a standard star diagonal can be used for visual. We do not recommend a star diagonal for anything less than a 34 mm Blocking Filter due to the issue of not being able to get the eyepiece to focus. Diagonal systems are generally used when the system will be used for both Imaging and Visual.

    It should be noted that ALL Lunt blocking filters utilize the same specifications of cut-off filter in their design. A larger Blocking Filter does not have a “better” specification than a smaller one. All blocking filters are cut from the same material and have the same bandpass (6 Angstroms), the same out-of-band blocking and the same temperature range.

  • specifications

    Aperture40mm (1.5")
    Focal Length400mm
    Focal Ratiof/10
    Optical DesignSolar
  • included items

    • Lunt Solar 40 mm H-alpha Solar OTA
    • TeleVue Sol Searcher Sun finder built in
    • 4″ Vixen Style Dovetail
    • Custom Foam


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