Losmandy Clutch Knob Set for GM-8, G-9 & G-11

Brand: Losmandy


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Product Details

  • The Clutch Knob Set for GM-8, G-9, and G-11 by Losmandy:


    Losmandy's Clutch Knob Set and their complete line of accessories allows you to do even more with your telescope. Tripods, piers, cases, trays and adapter plates give you ultimate flexibility. Losmandy's tripods, adapters, motor covers and all accessories in the Losmandy line, are machined for lightness and rigidity from aluminum stock, then black anodized for a tough, corrosion free surface. 

    The Losmandy Clutch knob set (2) was designed for GM-8, G-9, and G-11 mounts. R.A. and DEC. with (3) handles at 30-degrees makes clutch knobs easier to use, and gives greater clutching range.

    OPT Product Number: LO-CKS


  • specifications

    Warranty1 Year Warranty

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