IDAS LPS D3 Filter - Canon APS-C Camera

Brand: IDAS


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  • Enhance the contrast of astronomical emission nebulae against a sky with both man-made and natural* sky glow sources
  • Specifically designed for balanced color transmission using the IDAS unique Multi-Bandpass Technology (MBT) process
  • Designed to cope with the increasing trend of society's switch to LED lighting
  • Utilize the unique IDAS Ion Gun Assisted Deposition (IGAD*) coating technology for superior coating durability (quartz hardness) and safer cleaning

Product Details

  • IDAS LPS-D3 (formerly NGS1) light pollution suppression filters enhance the contrast of astronomical emission nebulae against a sky with both man-made and natural* sky glow sources, yet preserve the color balance of broadband objects such as galaxies. As with other IDAS interference filters, the bandpasses are designed to accommodate the steep ray angles of fast optical systems.

    Coping with LED Lighting

    Light pollution suppression (LPS) filters are designed to suppress the common emission lines generated by artificial lighting, yet allow the important nebula emission lines to pass, thus enhancing the contrast of astronomical objects, particularly emission nebulae (see filter plots). The most recently introduced version (D3) has a bandpass designed to cope with the increasing trend of society's switch to LED lighting.

    Multi-Bandpass Technology

    Unlike other light pollution suppression filters, IDAS filters are specifically designed for balanced color transmission using the IDAS unique Multi-Bandpass Technology (MBT) process. The balanced transmission allows color photographs to be taken with minimal color cast to broadband emission objects such as stars, galaxies, and globular clusters.

    Ion Gun Assisted Deposition Coating (IGAD*)

    LPS filters utilize the unique IDAS Ion Gun Assisted Deposition (IGAD*) coating technology for superior coating durability (quartz hardness) and safer cleaning. IGAD coatings also improve temperature and humidity stability of the filter performance, reducing spectrum shifts down to +/-1nm from the +/-3 or 4nm shift of standard coatings.

    CCD Imaging

    CCD imaging can also benefit because although CCD imagers can already shoot through light pollution to some extent. Including an LPS filter to the setup gives an added (signal-to-noise) edge. LPS filters are available for 1-1/4" and 2" (48mm) eyepieces, as well as in numerous sizes to accommodate the most popular camera lenses.

    Additional Features Include

    • Ideal flat-top and moderate bandpass
    • Excellent in-band transmission
    • Steep bandpass edges minimize internal reflections
    • Near IR (NIR) is blocked up to 1200nm
    • 1.1mm thickness
    • IDAS-proprietary IGAD/MBT/UFP quality
    • Made in Japan
  • specifications

    BandpassMulti Bandpass
    Filter ShapeRound
    Filter Thickness1.1mm
    Filter TypeLight Pollution/City Light Suppression
    ShapeCanon APS C
  • included items

    • IDAS LPS D3 Filter - Canon APS-C Camera

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