FLI CL1-10 CFW - CenterLine Color 10 Position Color Filter Wheel

Brand: FLI

SKU : FL-CL1-10

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  • Number of Filter Wheels: 2
  • Number of Filter Positions: 10 (5 per wheel)
  • Filter Thickness Range: 3mm - 5mm
  • Size: 11" x 13.625"
  • Filter Size: 50mm Square

Product Details

  • Have you ever looked at the filter-wheels on the market and asked "Why are they so lopsided?" Well, here's the answer to that problem. This filter-wheel uses two separate carousels, each having five 65mm-square positions. Calling it a 10-position wheel is misleading, as one position in each wheel must be empty. So it really is a 8-position wheel. Take a look, it's pretty cool. The FLI CenterLine color filter wheels feature a centrally located aperture that presents a symmetrical mass distribution and eliminates the offset weight problems associated with virtually every other color filter wheel on the market. It is also ideal for prime focus installations where a zero or symmetric shading of the primary mirror is critical. The CL1-10 CFW presents an easier load to handle vs. a normal color filter wheel and it will not change a telescope's balance as it tracks across the sky. The FLI CenterLine also allows for filter combinations unavailable with traditional style filter wheels.

    The first FLI CenterLine to be released is the model CL1-10 which holds up to ten 50mm x 50mm square filters in two independently operated wheels. It is powered by two internally mounted stepper motors and two TruMotion synchronous belts. The internal wheels are supported by radial ball bearings that provide a smooth, quiet and repeatable operation.

    FLI CL1-10 CFW - CenterLine Color 10 Position Color Filter Wheel Specifications

    • Body Thickness: 1.1"
    • Mechanical Connection: Zero Tilt Adapter
    • Interface: USB 2.0
    • Weight: 5.3lbs
    • See PDF drawing for more information

    Important Note:The Centerline filter wheel uses a central aperture and the two filter wheels contained in its housing overlap. While you can install 10 filters in the two carousels, if you wish to image through one filter at a time you'll need to leave two slots empty. In other words you need to leave yourself a window to shoot through. Otherwise, you can image through two filters at a time and increase your imaging time accordingly. If you further questions about the function of the Centerline Filter Wheel, please email us!

  • specifications

    Back Focus27.9 mm
    Camera/Eyepiece Connection3.43" CL ZTA
    Filter Positions10
    Scope Side Connection3.43" CL ZTA
  • included items

    • FLI CL1-10 CFW - CenterLine Color 10 Position Color Filter Wheel
    • Stepper Motors
    • Synchronous Belts

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