Astrozap Baader Film Solar Filter for ETX-105 or AstroMaster 90

Brand: Astrozap

SKU : AZ-1001

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Product Details

  • Astrozap Baader Solar Filter for Meade ETX105 and 110mm to 120mm OD Telescopes: The filter cell that holds the Baader AstroSolar film is constructed from lightweight, 18 gauge aluminum and is powder-coated white. The heavy duty threaded inserts and nylon thumbscrews will insure a secure fit on the front of your telescope's optical tube assembly. 

    With Baader AstroSolar film, the Sun will appear a neutral white, allowing you to see more detail, especially in the faculae regions, than competing solar films that produce a bluish or reddish image. Due to its neutral color balance, AstroSolar enables the use of various color (or interference) filters which allows the observer to concentrate on certain spectral pass-bands for investigations of different layers within the solar "atmosphere".

    The Astrozap Baader Solar Filter is essentially free from pinholes, since it is coated on both sides. This means that your chance of two pinholes overlapping each other would be extremely faint. Baader AstroSolar safety film has been approved for eye safety by the National Bureau of Standards in Germany, the PTB. Unlike any other Solar Filter on the market, AstroSolar is CE-tested according to EG-Norm 89/686 and EN 169/92 (notified body 0196). All processes connected to this product have been thoroughly tested. Coatings are inspected constantly for consistency to ensure your eye safety!

    Astrozap Product Number: 1001
  • specifications

    Fits Telescope OD Range of4.3" to 4.7"
    Full Aperture or Off AxisFull Aperture
    Glass or Film or HerschelMylar or Film Filter
    Solar Filter Size5.125"
    Solar Filter4 to 6 inches
    Warranty1 Year Warranty
    White Light Filter MaterialBaader Film

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