Astronomik ProPlanet 642 BP IR-Pass Filter - T-Thread

Brand: Astronomik

SKU : AK-8H00M3

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Product Details

  • Astronomik ProPlanet 642 BP IR-Pass Filter - T-Thread

    Astronomik's family of ProPlanet IR-pass filters welcomes a new member. The Astronomik ProPlanet 642 BP (Bandpass) has an array of possible functions including daylight IR photography, high resolution lunar and planetary imaging, and for beautiful astro-images of deep sky objects in H-Alpha regions.

    This filter provides a 200nm spectral window from 642nm to 842nm. Unlike ProPlanet 742 and 807 filters, the 642 will obstruct the longer infrared. While this gives you three filter options of rimaging in the IR, many times the Astronomik ProPlanet 642 BP will be the ideal option for the highest quality image.

    Astronomik ProPlanet 642 BP Filter Highlights...

    The Astronomik ProPlanet 642 BP acts as three filters in one! This filter can be a great asset for daylight IR-imaging with a digital camera, lessening seeing effects and improving contrast when utilized for lunar and planetary imaging, and as a low cost option for those who want to begin astrophotography of deep sky objects in H-Alpha areas.
    Daylight IR-imaging:

    • High contrast images with excellent interpretation of colors
    • Clear "Wood-Effect" images
    • Longer IR hot spot eliminated
    • Short exposure times, similar to normal VIS-imaging
    • Ideal option for infrared video

    High resolution lunar and planetary imaging:

    • Short exposure times
    • Sufficient reduction of seeing effects
    • Heightened contrast
    • Longer IR blocking provides razor sharp images with no ghosting.

    Deep-sky astrophotography of H-Alpha regions:

    • Peak transmission of the H-alpha line at 656nm
    • Approximately 40nm FWHM with astro-modified DSLR cameras
    • Incredible contrast despite light polluted environments or moonlight
    • Low cost filter for those interested in getting started with H-alpha imaging
    • Effortless focusing through camera display and LiveView!

    Astronomik ProPlanet 642 BP IR-Pass Filter Specifications...

    • More then 96% transmission for wavelengths of 642nm to 840nm
    • Intercepts wavelengths between 350nm and 630nm
    • Parfocal with other Astronomik filters
    • 1mm glass thickness
    • Entirely resistant to high humidity, scratches, and aging impact
    • Diffraction limited, the filter will not lessen the optical performance of your telescope!
    • Astronomik filters are presented in a high-quality, long lasting, filter box
    • Since 2008 Astronomik filters have featured a completely new design. Halos or bizarre reflections are a thing of the past.

    Astronomik Product Number: P642-T

  • specifications

    Filter Thickness1mm
    Filter TypePlanetary Imaging
    Free ShippingYes
    Warranty10 Year Warranty

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