The Universe - A Perspective Worth Sharing
The Universe - A Perspective Worth Sharing

The Universe - A Perspective Worth Sharing

Watch as one of the owners of OPT, Dustn Gibson, has his very own Ted Talk called The Universe - A Perspective Worth Sharing. Here at OPT, we believe in opening the eyes of everyone on Earth to the stars above. We can do that by getting more people interested in telescopes and astronomy. Watch the speech for yourself and if you like it, share this page with a friend. Below we have recommendations for beginners in hopes of getting them interested in this hobby that we love.
If you are looking for a place to start, OPT has you covered. We've created multiple ways for you to learn. You can Read, Watch, or Listento some really amazing content that we have created to help get new comers into space.
OPT University
Each of the links you see below are great options for getting into the hobby. These options were specifically crafted by our telescope experts. The telescopes we recommend here are all great options for your friends or for children to get them interested. 

Best Telescopes Under $1000

Best Telescopes for Beginners

Best Telescopes for Kids