The UHC Filter - Canon XL EOS Full Frame Clip by Astronomik:
This is EOX XL Clip for Canon Full Frame cameras.
It fits:
It doesn't fit: 
- Compatible cameras:
- - 5D Mk I (no live view)
- - 5D Mk II
- - 5D Mk III
- - 6D Mk I
- Non-compatible cameras:
- - 5DS
- - 5DSR
- - 5D Mk IV
- - 6D Mk II
- - Canon APS-C (EF-S) cameras
- - Canon Mirrorless cameras
The Astronomik Ultra High Contrast filter lets almost 100-percent of the radiation from both O-III lines and the H-beta line pass through. A second bandpass for the H-alpha line ensures that this radiation also reaches the eye, and scattered light from other wavelength ranges is also filtered out. Due to the strong reduction of the sky background, gas and planetary nebulas are visible with an unexpected abundance of detail. Because of the high transmission, the UHC filter provides enough light to successfully observe deep-sky objects with smaller telescopes.
The filters are optimized for use with focal ratios of f/4 to f/15. Unlike other filters on the market, loss of transmission and color displacement with the Astronomik filter occurs only on telescopes with extremely fast focal ratios of f/3 on up. Compared to the UHC filters sold by other manufacturers, the Astronomik UHC filter shows you more stars and more details in nebulas, and because of the high quality of the glass, you will see stars as small pinpoints.
Astronomik filters are in a class by themselves when compared to other filters made by Japanese and US manufacturers. The coatings are completely sealed and insensitive to moisture. They do not change with the years, but keep their transmission characteristics indefinitely. The coatings are so hard that is it not possible to scratch them by mistake. You would have to rub them with sandpaper to get even the finest of scratches! Due to these outstanding characteristics, Astronomik gives them a 5 year guarantee. Each filter will be sent in a useful protective case.
UHC Filter Suitability:
- Visual observation (dark skies): Very good, for telescopes of all apertures and high exit pupil
- Visual observation (urban skies): Very good, for telescopes from 100mm aperture
- Film photography: Reasonable, but very long exposure time
- CCD photography: Good, when used with an additional IR-block-filter
- DSLR photography (original): Good, color balance shifted but contrast enhanced
- DSLR photography (astro-modified): Very good, color balance is near perfect
- DSLR photography (MC modified): Good, when used with an additional IR-block-filter
- Webcam / Video (Planets): Unsuitable
- Webcam / Video (Deep Sky): Good, if light pollution is a big problem
About the Astronomik XL Clip Filter System: The patented Astronomik Clip-Filter System for Canon full-frame cameras is black anodized aluminum and laser-cut on state-of-the-art modern machines. It can be inserted within seconds directly into any full-frame (5D and 6D, for example) EOS camera body. There are no changes necessary and all lens functions (focus, screen, image stabilization) remain functional! If you have a EOS Rebel, or other Canon APS-C sized camera body, you should purchase the standard-sized Astronomik UHC EOS Clip filter instead.
Almost all Canon system lenses (with the exception of the EF-S series) and all M42 and T2 lens adapters, can be used with the Astronomik Clip-Filter System. The Clip-Filter System also acts as an outstanding dust shield, which prevents the possibility of dust settling on the sensor during long time exposure (The MC-Clear filter does not have a filter effect and only acts as a dust shield.)
Astronomik UHC Filter Features:
- Transmission of nearly 100-percent of O-III and H-beta
- Transmission of 96-percent of H-alpha
- Entire Blocking of annoying wavelengths
- Ideal All-round Deep Sky filter even for small telescopes
- Not sensitive to humidity or aging
- Scratch-resistant!
- Excellent carrier material. The optical performance of your telescope is not reduced by the filter in any way.
- Parfocal with other Astronomik filters
- Glass thickness: 1mm
- Completely resistant against high humidity, scratches and aging effects
- Diffraction limited, the filter will not reduce the optical performance of your telescope!
- Astronomik filters are delivered in a high-quality, long lasting, filter box
OPT Product Number: AK-UHC-EOSXL
Please Note: Clip-Filters:
Clip-in EOS XL filters are for these Canon Full-Format Cameras: 5D Mark II, 5D Mark III, and 6D. (5D Mark I will work without LiveView only)
The Astronomik XL Clip filterswill not workwith the Canon 6D Mark II, 5DS, 5DSR, the 5D Mk IV camera bodies, and will only work without LiveView in the Canon 5D Mk I.